Monday, May 30, 2011

2nd Option

Today 30/05/2011 should had been the day i took my first interview, however, due to certain reasons i did not go. I was not upset nor depressed. In fact, two days ago was the day i decided not to go for the interview and wrote an apology letter next. I believe it is not God's will for me to be there :) 

One door close and another door opened, i decided to take the INSEP course by PPKS :) i guess the course won't be open for registration in fact if it wasn't for me asking them to open the course hahaha

Today was a hectic day for me and parents, running here and there paying this and that, all done in one morning..yay!!
Later i'll be attending my cousin's engagement party ^.^/ ( the first in the family).

Love, Joyce

1 comment:

  1. Follow what your heart tells you, for He who knows better and good things will come your way in His time :)Lots of ℒℴⅴℯ

