Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fun with F.R.I.N.G.E

I got FRINGE at last!!!

actually the decision of having a fringe is a difficult one since my forehead is kinda short. :) but the result is satisfying!! i look soo much younger compared by side bangs

da side bangs me

Tips of having a Fringe with a face like mine:
1. make sure the fringe is at a length below the eyebrow (you won't wan to look like Cleopatra ryte ;) )
2. part your hair in the middle to prevent from you head looking heavier on 1 side
3. the longer your hair length the better. if hair length is above the shoulder, it can make you look rounder especially a chubby face like mine :)

i think thats all :)

love, joyce


  1. Both looked gorgeous on its own way =)
    p/s: where is the photos of the heels again? hehehehe

  2. hahaha..thanks. everytime i forgot. will post it up soon!!!
